University of San Francisco or University of Nevada Las Vegas???
I have lived in bay area all my life and I really want to move out and experience life on my own. I actually want to become a P.E teacher and I'm not too sure if USF a private school is worth that money. Plus I want a REAL college experience and I'm not too sure USF has that. Someone please confirm my assumptions.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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1 :
I can not tell you about USF but UNLV could be a really fun school. You get the "real" college experience but you also get the Vegas experience on top of that. The P.E. teachers I had in school all came from UNLV even though I do not know of that program specifically. I would say cut the bay area ties and experience life. (Also Vegas offers many opportunities for people to get decent paying jobs without experience)
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
University of Nevada Las Vegas?
University of Nevada Las Vegas?
Does anyone go to UNLV or know about it? I am interested in that school but not sure about its reputation. Is it a good school and for what majors?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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1 :
I go to that school and absolutely love it!!! It has a really good hotel management program that is recognized world wide. Just because it's in Vegas doesn't make it a bad school. I am really happy i decided to go to that school. I'm having a good experience so far.
Does anyone go to UNLV or know about it? I am interested in that school but not sure about its reputation. Is it a good school and for what majors?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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1 :
I go to that school and absolutely love it!!! It has a really good hotel management program that is recognized world wide. Just because it's in Vegas doesn't make it a bad school. I am really happy i decided to go to that school. I'm having a good experience so far.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Where can i get a job as a waitress/busser in Las Vegas, Nevada?
Where can i get a job as a waitress/busser in Las Vegas, Nevada?
I am almost 17 years old and need a job desperatley, I have no experience working at a restuarant but am a quick study. I use to be a Clerical Assistant for a Secretarial Service, and just finished up a seasonal job offer as a cashier at Target. I need a job due to school fees and bills that need to be paid, I know there are not a lot of places hiring due to the recession, but please anything will help. If you know of a place that is not a restuarant please feel free to let me know, I need as much help as possible. Thanks in advance! Courtney
Las Vegas - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It'll take some work to find someone who's hiring, but try or the classfied ads in the review-journal. Also try places like pizza hut, chili's, or applebee's or even some of the major casinos. If you look hard enough, I'm sure somebody's gotta be hiring.
2 :
You should walk into some of your local restaurants between 3 and 5pm in the afternoon and ask if they're hiring. You might have to look at a lot of places to find one place that's hiring but they're more likely to remember you if you come in directly.
3 :
yeah you can try lowes as well the pay good and you can log onto any computer on the site which is awesome also you can make money from this website buy filling up free offers if you havent already know you should try it out because i like it just look at it if you dont like it then you wont lose anything the link will be on the of the blog hope i help and good luck
I am almost 17 years old and need a job desperatley, I have no experience working at a restuarant but am a quick study. I use to be a Clerical Assistant for a Secretarial Service, and just finished up a seasonal job offer as a cashier at Target. I need a job due to school fees and bills that need to be paid, I know there are not a lot of places hiring due to the recession, but please anything will help. If you know of a place that is not a restuarant please feel free to let me know, I need as much help as possible. Thanks in advance! Courtney
Las Vegas - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It'll take some work to find someone who's hiring, but try or the classfied ads in the review-journal. Also try places like pizza hut, chili's, or applebee's or even some of the major casinos. If you look hard enough, I'm sure somebody's gotta be hiring.
2 :
You should walk into some of your local restaurants between 3 and 5pm in the afternoon and ask if they're hiring. You might have to look at a lot of places to find one place that's hiring but they're more likely to remember you if you come in directly.
3 :
yeah you can try lowes as well the pay good and you can log onto any computer on the site which is awesome also you can make money from this website buy filling up free offers if you havent already know you should try it out because i like it just look at it if you dont like it then you wont lose anything the link will be on the of the blog hope i help and good luck
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
My Mom is gonna become a Hooker id Legal is las vegas nevada? i dont feel ok bout this?
My Mom is gonna become a Hooker id Legal is las vegas nevada? i dont feel ok bout this?
THAT"S NO FREAKIN RESPECT what should i do she said that she needs money to be happy she is a slut she said!!! she was a hooker at school before she said that she didn't care about no education MONEY IS EVERYTHING SHE ALWAYS SAYS THAT & all she cares about money she divorced my dad cuz he didnt Got That much money she aint carin bout love everythin is money she says i dont want love i want money my dad made abut1,500 dollars a weeek as a computer engineer he makes well but she wants more she worked as a School teacher but she didnt make enough help me
Marriage & Divorce - 2 Answers
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1 :
no it is not legal in Las Vegas. I live in Las Vegas.
2 :
From the looks of your grammar and spelling, YOU'RE the one who really needs to get an education. And prostitution is only legal in certain counties in NV....not Las Vegas.
THAT"S NO FREAKIN RESPECT what should i do she said that she needs money to be happy she is a slut she said!!! she was a hooker at school before she said that she didn't care about no education MONEY IS EVERYTHING SHE ALWAYS SAYS THAT & all she cares about money she divorced my dad cuz he didnt Got That much money she aint carin bout love everythin is money she says i dont want love i want money my dad made abut1,500 dollars a weeek as a computer engineer he makes well but she wants more she worked as a School teacher but she didnt make enough help me
Marriage & Divorce - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
no it is not legal in Las Vegas. I live in Las Vegas.
2 :
From the looks of your grammar and spelling, YOU'RE the one who really needs to get an education. And prostitution is only legal in certain counties in NV....not Las Vegas.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Where can a 15 year old work in Las Vegas,Nevada?
Where can a 15 year old work in Las Vegas,Nevada?
i turned 15 in February of 08 im not sure where i can work. I really want a job before my 16 birthday on February 2,2009. Let me know if you know ANYONE willing to hire me as soon as possible. Also i go to school from 7:00a.m. to 1:25 p.m. so if i do get a job it will have to be after i get out of school.. PLEASE LET ME KNOW! A.S.A.P.
Las Vegas - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I think McDonald's hires..
2 :
You have to be 16 and have parental permission. Sorry but you can baby sit which I hear pays more than mimum wage, can clean homes, wash cars, do yardwork, etc.
3 :
go to townsquare they have a lot of shops u can work @ i hear alot of kids work @ places there there around 15
4 :
your local grocer
5 :
You'll need a workers permit, as this protects you from curfew. There are numerous federal, state and county guidelines that apply to the issuance of Work Permits for juveniles. Federal regulations supersede county ordinances or Nevada Revised Statutes. The most stringent guidelines are in effect for youths aged 14 and 15. Federal regulations were initiated under the Fair Labor Standards Act to prevent oppressive child labor. Juveniles 14 and 15 years of age cannot work during school hours and never before 7:00 a.m. or after 7:00 p.m. on a school day nor more than a total of 3 hours a day or 18 hours per week. The exception to this regulation is during the traditional schools summer months. June 1 st through Labor Day, 14 and 15 year old juveniles can work until 9:00 p.m. and up to but not more than 40 hours per week. Juveniles in this age group attending a school with a non-traditional schedule may work until 9:00 p.m., with a work week not to exceed 40 hours during non school weeks.
i turned 15 in February of 08 im not sure where i can work. I really want a job before my 16 birthday on February 2,2009. Let me know if you know ANYONE willing to hire me as soon as possible. Also i go to school from 7:00a.m. to 1:25 p.m. so if i do get a job it will have to be after i get out of school.. PLEASE LET ME KNOW! A.S.A.P.
Las Vegas - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I think McDonald's hires..
2 :
You have to be 16 and have parental permission. Sorry but you can baby sit which I hear pays more than mimum wage, can clean homes, wash cars, do yardwork, etc.
3 :
go to townsquare they have a lot of shops u can work @ i hear alot of kids work @ places there there around 15
4 :
your local grocer
5 :
You'll need a workers permit, as this protects you from curfew. There are numerous federal, state and county guidelines that apply to the issuance of Work Permits for juveniles. Federal regulations supersede county ordinances or Nevada Revised Statutes. The most stringent guidelines are in effect for youths aged 14 and 15. Federal regulations were initiated under the Fair Labor Standards Act to prevent oppressive child labor. Juveniles 14 and 15 years of age cannot work during school hours and never before 7:00 a.m. or after 7:00 p.m. on a school day nor more than a total of 3 hours a day or 18 hours per week. The exception to this regulation is during the traditional schools summer months. June 1 st through Labor Day, 14 and 15 year old juveniles can work until 9:00 p.m. and up to but not more than 40 hours per week. Juveniles in this age group attending a school with a non-traditional schedule may work until 9:00 p.m., with a work week not to exceed 40 hours during non school weeks.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Can you transfer to South Pasadena HS mid way through school year
Can you transfer to South Pasadena HS mid way through school year?
I am currently living in Las Vegas Nevada, and attending the High school Advanced Technologies Academy. I will be moving the Los Angeles within a few weeks, and will be living in South Pasadena. I also want to go to the school South Pasadena High School. Can i transfer mid way through the school year, and what do i need to transfer schools. I have never done something like this before, and this is also an out of state HS transfer. Help will be much appreciated. Thanks!
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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1 :
South Pasadena is a public school, and as long as you live in the district, you can attend the schools. With the elementary schools, if your neighborhood school was full, then they might put you into another school that had space, but since there is only one high school, you shouldn't have a problem. Your parents will need 3+ proofs of residency to register you for South Pas High. Since it is such a desirable school, they are very strict on who they admit. Also, they do not allow kids to live with relatives or family friends and attend South Pas schools unless there is an actual court ordered/approved guardianship. They will do home checks if there is anything questionable, and believe me, they do. (And the parents check up on things! It's a small town, everyone knows everyone else and is in their business. Since the parents raise a lot of money for the schools and there have been cutbacks due to the economy, they make it their business to make sure no one sneaks into their schools. But really, they're nice people, just protective.) The usual registration for fall admission of new students includes a pre-registration before the actual registration, because they do checks on all proofs of residency. Since you are entering mid-year, your parents will need to contact the registrar and she'll handle everything. You will need to be an actual resident and have the proof before your parents can register you, but they should be able to get that done in a day, if they go to register their car. The 3rd category (C) of proof is mostly hard to get the day you move, except for car registration and there is a DMV office in Pasadena. They are closed some Fridays so check. Your parents will need to bring their driver's licenses to their interview with the registrar in addition to the other proof. It will likely take the registrar a couple of days to check out all the paperwork your parents give her, and then you're in. South Pasadena school registration info: The kids are mostly very nice at South Pas. It has very good academics for a public school. Winter break is from Dec 20, with school starting back up on Jan 3. South Pasadena is only about 4 sq miles, and it's mostly a very safe community with nice people. There is plenty to do in the area, not much to do at night for kids, usually they hang out in Old Town Pasadena (a busy shopping street with a small outdoor mall, the Paseo), or go to one of the malls in Arcadia or Glendale. Good luck!
I am currently living in Las Vegas Nevada, and attending the High school Advanced Technologies Academy. I will be moving the Los Angeles within a few weeks, and will be living in South Pasadena. I also want to go to the school South Pasadena High School. Can i transfer mid way through the school year, and what do i need to transfer schools. I have never done something like this before, and this is also an out of state HS transfer. Help will be much appreciated. Thanks!
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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1 :
South Pasadena is a public school, and as long as you live in the district, you can attend the schools. With the elementary schools, if your neighborhood school was full, then they might put you into another school that had space, but since there is only one high school, you shouldn't have a problem. Your parents will need 3+ proofs of residency to register you for South Pas High. Since it is such a desirable school, they are very strict on who they admit. Also, they do not allow kids to live with relatives or family friends and attend South Pas schools unless there is an actual court ordered/approved guardianship. They will do home checks if there is anything questionable, and believe me, they do. (And the parents check up on things! It's a small town, everyone knows everyone else and is in their business. Since the parents raise a lot of money for the schools and there have been cutbacks due to the economy, they make it their business to make sure no one sneaks into their schools. But really, they're nice people, just protective.) The usual registration for fall admission of new students includes a pre-registration before the actual registration, because they do checks on all proofs of residency. Since you are entering mid-year, your parents will need to contact the registrar and she'll handle everything. You will need to be an actual resident and have the proof before your parents can register you, but they should be able to get that done in a day, if they go to register their car. The 3rd category (C) of proof is mostly hard to get the day you move, except for car registration and there is a DMV office in Pasadena. They are closed some Fridays so check. Your parents will need to bring their driver's licenses to their interview with the registrar in addition to the other proof. It will likely take the registrar a couple of days to check out all the paperwork your parents give her, and then you're in. South Pasadena school registration info: The kids are mostly very nice at South Pas. It has very good academics for a public school. Winter break is from Dec 20, with school starting back up on Jan 3. South Pasadena is only about 4 sq miles, and it's mostly a very safe community with nice people. There is plenty to do in the area, not much to do at night for kids, usually they hang out in Old Town Pasadena (a busy shopping street with a small outdoor mall, the Paseo), or go to one of the malls in Arcadia or Glendale. Good luck!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Government Representatives Las Vegas Nevada?
Government Representatives Las Vegas Nevada?
I was wondering who my government representatives were in my district? I'm looking for the recently elected officials such as U.S. Senators, U.S. House of Representatives, Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, State Controller, State Treasurer, State Senator, Assembly member, University Regent, County Commissioner, Clark County District Attorney, Mayor, City Council member, and Clark County School District Board of Trustees Member. How do I find all of this information? I've found some on but I can't seem to find all of them. A direct link would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
Las Vegas - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Call the election department they will have the answer. I worked there during the election. They are on Cheyenne just past MLK they are very helpful and probably have literature for you. Stop in and say hi.
2 :
3 :
for your federal representatives you need to go to and
4 :
The front section of the Embarq phonebook has that information and when the new ones come out in January it should have the updated information
I was wondering who my government representatives were in my district? I'm looking for the recently elected officials such as U.S. Senators, U.S. House of Representatives, Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, State Controller, State Treasurer, State Senator, Assembly member, University Regent, County Commissioner, Clark County District Attorney, Mayor, City Council member, and Clark County School District Board of Trustees Member. How do I find all of this information? I've found some on but I can't seem to find all of them. A direct link would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
Las Vegas - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Call the election department they will have the answer. I worked there during the election. They are on Cheyenne just past MLK they are very helpful and probably have literature for you. Stop in and say hi.
2 :
3 :
for your federal representatives you need to go to and
4 :
The front section of the Embarq phonebook has that information and when the new ones come out in January it should have the updated information
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
which law schools is better, university of pacific or university of nevada, las vegas?
which law schools is better, university of pacific or university of nevada, las vegas?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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1 :
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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1 :
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Who is the best plastic surgeon to go to for breast augmentation in Las Vegas Nevada?
Who is the best plastic surgeon to go to for breast augmentation in Las Vegas Nevada?
I've been researching like crazy about breast agumentation and wanted to speak to the best plastic surgeon here in Las Vegas N.V before I decided anything possibly speak to a few Surgeons. If You have underwent breast Agumentation here in LV and can reccommend a GREAT Plastic surgeon please send the referral my way i would really appreciate it. The more the better but they have to be board certified! Money is not so much of a concearn when dealing with good plastic surgery. I have 0 boobs (A cup)(mosquito bites) and people confuse me with a middle school girl , Im a 23 year old women and I've decided to gather more information before I commit to anything also I've done research about the healing time which depends on every woman (1-2 weeks (not fully healed i know) but based on your experience how long until fully recovered? Thank you for The Information I really appreciate it!
Other - Skin & Body - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Go to your family doctor and ask.
I've been researching like crazy about breast agumentation and wanted to speak to the best plastic surgeon here in Las Vegas N.V before I decided anything possibly speak to a few Surgeons. If You have underwent breast Agumentation here in LV and can reccommend a GREAT Plastic surgeon please send the referral my way i would really appreciate it. The more the better but they have to be board certified! Money is not so much of a concearn when dealing with good plastic surgery. I have 0 boobs (A cup)(mosquito bites) and people confuse me with a middle school girl , Im a 23 year old women and I've decided to gather more information before I commit to anything also I've done research about the healing time which depends on every woman (1-2 weeks (not fully healed i know) but based on your experience how long until fully recovered? Thank you for The Information I really appreciate it!
Other - Skin & Body - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Go to your family doctor and ask.
Friday, August 12, 2011
What is the legal age limit to drop out of high school in Nevada?
What is the legal age limit to drop out of high school in Nevada?
When are you allowed to drop out of high school in Las Vegas, with parent consent? Thats all i want to know, I don't care for what anyone else thinks i just want a straight forward answer.
Law & Ethics - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The legal minimum to drop put of school nationally is 16.
2 :
If you don't care what anyone thinks then why are you asking a question? Look it up.
3 :
4 :
Biggest mistake of your young life. You don't care? Look, genius, when you're eighteen and UNEMPLOYABLE, DON'T have the nerve to ask for a state handout. Now get yourself to SCHOOL!
5 :
Don't drop out of HS. Well, unless you plan on working at McDonalds for the rest of your life making minimum wage, getting treated by rude customers and getting greasy food every day. You won't get hired in 90% of places. They require a minimum of HS diploma.
6 :
Legal: 16 Smart: When you graduate.
When are you allowed to drop out of high school in Las Vegas, with parent consent? Thats all i want to know, I don't care for what anyone else thinks i just want a straight forward answer.
Law & Ethics - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The legal minimum to drop put of school nationally is 16.
2 :
If you don't care what anyone thinks then why are you asking a question? Look it up.
3 :
4 :
Biggest mistake of your young life. You don't care? Look, genius, when you're eighteen and UNEMPLOYABLE, DON'T have the nerve to ask for a state handout. Now get yourself to SCHOOL!
5 :
Don't drop out of HS. Well, unless you plan on working at McDonalds for the rest of your life making minimum wage, getting treated by rude customers and getting greasy food every day. You won't get hired in 90% of places. They require a minimum of HS diploma.
6 :
Legal: 16 Smart: When you graduate.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
It's either orlando Florida or Nevada Las vegas or henderson?
It's either orlando Florida or Nevada Las vegas or henderson?
I need help right now I have goals and aspirations of starting up a hookah lounge cafe/restaurant but I know that in order to do that I'm going back to school for hospitality management I want to know where the best place to relocate when I actually do where I can get funded for my business more easily and the hot spot to place my hookah lounge any suggestions?
Other - United States - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Henderson or Florida You can't compete with the huge Casinos in La's Vegas. Try Tampa ,Fl or St.Petersburg, Fl i lived there most of my life. Very nice upscale area.
2 :
Missy is right. Tampa has a big nightlife section called Ybor City with lots of people coming in from all over the west coast of Florida to enjoy night life so you have foot traffic. The casinos dominate in Nevada and you cannot compete. In Orlando, you have more of a family atmosphere and they're not taking their kids to a Hookah bar and there's tons of competition for the local crowds.
3 :
I need help right now I have goals and aspirations of starting up a hookah lounge cafe/restaurant but I know that in order to do that I'm going back to school for hospitality management I want to know where the best place to relocate when I actually do where I can get funded for my business more easily and the hot spot to place my hookah lounge any suggestions?
Other - United States - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Henderson or Florida You can't compete with the huge Casinos in La's Vegas. Try Tampa ,Fl or St.Petersburg, Fl i lived there most of my life. Very nice upscale area.
2 :
Missy is right. Tampa has a big nightlife section called Ybor City with lots of people coming in from all over the west coast of Florida to enjoy night life so you have foot traffic. The casinos dominate in Nevada and you cannot compete. In Orlando, you have more of a family atmosphere and they're not taking their kids to a Hookah bar and there's tons of competition for the local crowds.
3 :
Monday, August 8, 2011
Does ant one know a good place to Rent each week in Las Vegas Nevada while I'm working there?
Does ant one know a good place to Rent each week in Las Vegas Nevada while I'm working there?
could you tell me a place that is nice and will be where I can stay and live while working temporally while I also look for long term work and schooling at U.N.L.V. Thank you. I mean Do you know any one
Las Vegas - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 : ~LIS~
2 :
try extended stays in las vegas that can help you they are safe, clean and you will not be disappointed.
could you tell me a place that is nice and will be where I can stay and live while working temporally while I also look for long term work and schooling at U.N.L.V. Thank you. I mean Do you know any one
Las Vegas - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 : ~LIS~
2 :
try extended stays in las vegas that can help you they are safe, clean and you will not be disappointed.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
I'm thinking of moving my family to the Las Vegas area, any opinions/advice?
I'm thinking of moving my family to the Las Vegas area, any opinions/advice?
We were looking at Henderson or another close suburb to the city of Las Vegas in Nevada. How are the schools/crime?
Las Vegas - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Crime is insane there.
2 :
Make sure you make enough cash ! Monitor Your Children closely for drugs, Sexual molestation by others. Be Very Vigilant. Leave no stone unturned. Check everyone's credentials. Certifications. Just because someone tells you what they are ,will not be mean they are who they say ! Bearing that in mind ,I think Vegas is set to really move when the economy recovers.
3 :
I hope you already have a job lined up, as unemployment in greater LV is at or near the top in the country. If you don't have an employment agreement and are not independently wealthy, it wouldn't recommend it.
4 :
Henderson is a fine city. The problem is the county. The school system here is rated second from the bottom in the US. Crime is probably lower than most major cities however as the unemployment rises and Illegals keep coming crime is rising. There are no jobs to be had by a newcomer. Every time there is a job opening there are 100 well qualified applicants who already live here. Might want to read over the following webpage.
5 :
I've lived all over Las Vegas for the past 20 years. So I know the city pretty well. (New) Henderson, around Anthem and Seven Hills, is a pretty nice place to live. (Old Henderson is the exact opposite of New Henderson) Summerlin is also nice it's on the far North West side of Las Vegas, I like it over there a lot, but anywhere else is pretty much up in the air. I would stay away from North Las Vegas and the city. Crime is pretty much everywhere in Las Vegas/Henderson but it's a lot less "visible" in Henderson. Most of the crime comes from little shit high school kids doing stupid stuff to pass the time, like paintballing peoples houses for fun or getting drunk and crashing into walls or each other, seriously. It's pretty much the stereotypical suburb. The main schools in Henderson are pretty good up until High School. The main high school in (New) Henderson is Coronado. Coronado, academically, is the best school in Nevada but the drugs are EVERYWHERE in that school. It has a really bad rap for it's drug use. And the teachers are pretty much worthless because the kids complain to their "rich" parents and can get the teachers fired. Lake Las Vegas is great but it's pretty expensive to keep and maintain a house out there. But if you're just moving to Vegas your best bet is probably Henderson. It far enough away from the Strip and the police out there maintain a staus quo.
6 :
seriously i wouldnt recommend moving here. the only things you can do are drink, gamble and flip houses
7 :
I expect you know there are limited to no jobs. Unemployment is over 13%. The State, County and all cities have frozen hiring and laying off. Businesss close daily. Casinos are hurting as well, and those are minimum wage jobs with benefits. Henderson is nice, if in the Green Valley area. Boulder City, further away than Henderson is nice. There are very nice areas in North Las Vegas in the Centenial Hill area. Schools are ok; crime like LA.
8 :
stay away from henderson. Summerlin is the place to live. VERY safe, clean, friendly, WONDERFUL schools. you should really check it out.
9 :
wow dont let what people say dis courage you i am also moving there vegas is not for every one remenber it gets hot in the summer but its only hot if you stand out in it vegas is no different than any other city far as jobs go i dont know why they keep talking about the job less rate look at calif where i live its just as bad ive had friends move there and they got jobs no its not in there field but it pays the bills you have to crawl before you walk vegas will rebound just when i go to las vegas a lot and i always look for employees with from calif on there name tag and ask them they all tell me its the best decision that they ever made i was told by a life long resident there if dont work in las vegas you dont want to work imstill going already been offerd 3 jobs im a driver if your husband is in construction he will have trouble im going this 4 of july and again for new years might stay for newyears and after start work come back and get my stuff only really concerned about my fishing poles because i plan on doing a lot of that good luck you will be fine
We were looking at Henderson or another close suburb to the city of Las Vegas in Nevada. How are the schools/crime?
Las Vegas - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Crime is insane there.
2 :
Make sure you make enough cash ! Monitor Your Children closely for drugs, Sexual molestation by others. Be Very Vigilant. Leave no stone unturned. Check everyone's credentials. Certifications. Just because someone tells you what they are ,will not be mean they are who they say ! Bearing that in mind ,I think Vegas is set to really move when the economy recovers.
3 :
I hope you already have a job lined up, as unemployment in greater LV is at or near the top in the country. If you don't have an employment agreement and are not independently wealthy, it wouldn't recommend it.
4 :
Henderson is a fine city. The problem is the county. The school system here is rated second from the bottom in the US. Crime is probably lower than most major cities however as the unemployment rises and Illegals keep coming crime is rising. There are no jobs to be had by a newcomer. Every time there is a job opening there are 100 well qualified applicants who already live here. Might want to read over the following webpage.
5 :
I've lived all over Las Vegas for the past 20 years. So I know the city pretty well. (New) Henderson, around Anthem and Seven Hills, is a pretty nice place to live. (Old Henderson is the exact opposite of New Henderson) Summerlin is also nice it's on the far North West side of Las Vegas, I like it over there a lot, but anywhere else is pretty much up in the air. I would stay away from North Las Vegas and the city. Crime is pretty much everywhere in Las Vegas/Henderson but it's a lot less "visible" in Henderson. Most of the crime comes from little shit high school kids doing stupid stuff to pass the time, like paintballing peoples houses for fun or getting drunk and crashing into walls or each other, seriously. It's pretty much the stereotypical suburb. The main schools in Henderson are pretty good up until High School. The main high school in (New) Henderson is Coronado. Coronado, academically, is the best school in Nevada but the drugs are EVERYWHERE in that school. It has a really bad rap for it's drug use. And the teachers are pretty much worthless because the kids complain to their "rich" parents and can get the teachers fired. Lake Las Vegas is great but it's pretty expensive to keep and maintain a house out there. But if you're just moving to Vegas your best bet is probably Henderson. It far enough away from the Strip and the police out there maintain a staus quo.
6 :
seriously i wouldnt recommend moving here. the only things you can do are drink, gamble and flip houses
7 :
I expect you know there are limited to no jobs. Unemployment is over 13%. The State, County and all cities have frozen hiring and laying off. Businesss close daily. Casinos are hurting as well, and those are minimum wage jobs with benefits. Henderson is nice, if in the Green Valley area. Boulder City, further away than Henderson is nice. There are very nice areas in North Las Vegas in the Centenial Hill area. Schools are ok; crime like LA.
8 :
stay away from henderson. Summerlin is the place to live. VERY safe, clean, friendly, WONDERFUL schools. you should really check it out.
9 :
wow dont let what people say dis courage you i am also moving there vegas is not for every one remenber it gets hot in the summer but its only hot if you stand out in it vegas is no different than any other city far as jobs go i dont know why they keep talking about the job less rate look at calif where i live its just as bad ive had friends move there and they got jobs no its not in there field but it pays the bills you have to crawl before you walk vegas will rebound just when i go to las vegas a lot and i always look for employees with from calif on there name tag and ask them they all tell me its the best decision that they ever made i was told by a life long resident there if dont work in las vegas you dont want to work imstill going already been offerd 3 jobs im a driver if your husband is in construction he will have trouble im going this 4 of july and again for new years might stay for newyears and after start work come back and get my stuff only really concerned about my fishing poles because i plan on doing a lot of that good luck you will be fine
Thursday, August 4, 2011
What Tower Crane Schools is there in Las Vegas?
What Tower Crane Schools is there in Las Vegas?
I need to go to a tower crane school inside Las Vegas, where do i go? At least inside Nevada. Not Arizona or Utah or California.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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1 :
check with the International Union of Operating Engineers. I know that in the past, they provided the training, and past the general operators certification, there is a Crane certification, and possibly also a Tower Crane endorsement.
I need to go to a tower crane school inside Las Vegas, where do i go? At least inside Nevada. Not Arizona or Utah or California.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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1 :
check with the International Union of Operating Engineers. I know that in the past, they provided the training, and past the general operators certification, there is a Crane certification, and possibly also a Tower Crane endorsement.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
OB/GYN pratice in Las Vegas, Nevada?
OB/GYN pratice in Las Vegas, Nevada?
If by any slim chance anyone here lives in Las Vegas... I want to know if anyone has heard of a Dr. Shawna M. Knessel who is an OB/GYN praticing with Specialty Women's Care. I have an appointment to see her in a few weeks, but would like to know more about her... how long has she been praticing, where did she go to school and do her internship? Has anyone been to this pratice and seen this doctor or any of the others? If so, please fill me in on what you feelings were on everything. If not, where can I go to find more out about her? I've googled and yahooed her and come up with NOTHING!! Help please! :)
Las Vegas - 2 Answers
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1 :
Call the Medical License place here in the state, they can tell you.
2 :
Call the Nevada Board of Medical Examiners to answer those questions. I have done this once, they had all the info.
If by any slim chance anyone here lives in Las Vegas... I want to know if anyone has heard of a Dr. Shawna M. Knessel who is an OB/GYN praticing with Specialty Women's Care. I have an appointment to see her in a few weeks, but would like to know more about her... how long has she been praticing, where did she go to school and do her internship? Has anyone been to this pratice and seen this doctor or any of the others? If so, please fill me in on what you feelings were on everything. If not, where can I go to find more out about her? I've googled and yahooed her and come up with NOTHING!! Help please! :)
Las Vegas - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Call the Medical License place here in the state, they can tell you.
2 :
Call the Nevada Board of Medical Examiners to answer those questions. I have done this once, they had all the info.
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