I'm thinking of become a obgyno is that a good choice or should I do something else? Does unlv or csn do courses in this field?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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See this Google search: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&rls=com.microsoft%3Aen-us&num=100&newwindow=1&q=%2B%22medical+school%22+%2B%22las+vegas%22+site%3A.edu&aq=f&oq=&aqi= Beyond that, how can anyone here possibly know if that's a good choice for you, or if you should do something else? If we judged too harshly on how you worded your question, and that you used "obgyno" instead of "OB-GYN" or "OBGYN;" or your grammar and punctuation, then I'm afraid you might not like the answer. Hope that helps; sorry if it also offends.