Thursday, June 16, 2011

i need help finding a school to help me catch up on credits FAST?

i need help finding a school to help me catch up on credits FAST?
okay so im 17 years old and have 8 credits. im trying to find a school in Las Vegas, Nevada that can help me get a high school diploma.
Primary & Secondary Education - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
well im 17 about to 18 an i dropped out and had to catch up on some credits i did a pace school called faith academy in atlanta ga. well it helped a lot so find your self a pace school like homeschooling in a way
2 :
either be homeschool ed or u gonna have to stay back for two yrs. u have no choice even if u do 8-10classes per yr. including any extra thats no way u can catch up!
3 :
You might find like a "virtual school" that you take online... you can get a years worth credit done in like a half year... well at least at Florida Virtual School